Navigating the Culture Wars Chat Session 5.
Discussing the election and related subjects, including the state of society and why self-work is necessary for Americans to get themselves out of the pickle in which we find ourselves. Personal accountability.
Discussing the election including my position on voting and why I do think that all is not lost and why voting is neither just a gesture nor utterly void in any manner. After all, your opponents would not be going to the lengths they have gone or are going to, to seize the power they seek over this once great nation if they already had it.
They trick people into believing this or that is "real" or "not real" but it is left to us to discern these things for our selves and to take the appropriate action, to do the right thing in any and every circumstance and at that given time. To Judge. To Discern. To See.
After all, we are held accountable for our choices and judgements by the consequences of our actions.
I did this Chat Session on a whim because particular topics require address. I invite any feedback.
Thank you for supporting my work and for fighting the good fight.
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