Globalists Going Totalitarian in Ireland with New Hate Laws
New "Hate Law" (Anti-White) legislation designed to crackdown on the native Irish/White population in Ireland seeks to crush dissent to the Globalist program of native White genocide.
Hate speech laws are Anti-White laws designed by Globalists to control any Whites wise to the genocide of White populations.
The crack down on the Irish is about to reach totalitarian levels with a new law the Globalists are trying to push through before the end of the year in Ireland. Hate Laws are not for safety, it's so that the evil Globalist apparatus can control the narrative and quiet dissent as White nations are systematically destroyed racially and otherwise. The reality is that Ireland, like many White nations, is amidst the process of being overrun with and by foreigners that hate the Native Irish population just as these foreigners hate all Whites in White host nations no matter how long these invaders have resided in our nations.
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That greater thing that Whites must come to believe in starts with we ourselves. Racial identity first. The collective body of Whites spread across the globe in the many nations of the world, Western Civilization, we are what is left of the greatest bloodlines to ever have walked the face of this Earth.
Other races around the world may at some point reach high levels of civilization, a threat enough to the forces at work. However, it is Whites that have been responsible for all high civilization to date. Don't be fooled any longer.
Globalism is communism. Globalism is Anti-White. Globalists must reduce White populations to minorities in their own nations before they can usher in their One World Government/JWO. They use "Hate Laws" for this purpose. The remaining populations of the world, those with potential for high civilization will be targeted and eliminated with ease once Whites are minorities in their own nations. That is the communist motis operandi and what we are witnessing in real time.
In other news, we still want to see Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs.
Every institution of Western Civilization is merely a corporation. Your food is controlled by corporations. Your children educated by a corporate run system. Your healthcare system is but a corporation and your health and lack of well-being is how they make money. Western society is a business run to the advantage of corporations.