Jews Created the Porn Industry
An Orthodox Jew, Ruben Sturman, founded the pornography industry merchantilizing human debasements and getting rich off of it. Jews peddle anything and everything that is destructive and geared toward debasing Gentiles. I disagree with the long-used excuse that because of "Anti-Jewish" sentiment the Jews had no other options that to push degeneracy in particular industries. That is the same excuse that is given for the Jews having swarmed the motion picture industry. Jews were already established in Hollywood by the time they started the porn industry. A lot of fast talking by wily individuals utilizing the same old excuses for continual bad behavior.
It gets old. I don't buy it, of course, because I have studied their religion. A religion built upon hatred of Gentiles. That is Judaism in a nutshell. Anyone attending Yeshiva knows this. The stupid goyim do not know this and only understand Judaism in relation to their own worldview rather than seeing it for what it is. Judaism is not only diametrically opposite to Christianity but constructed to contend against Christianity and ultimately to purge Christians from existence. Because of Theory of Mind Gentile's own processes of logic have been manipulated over the generations.
It is all in plain sight. I am challenging the public no matter your walk of life to exam these things that I have conveyed to you over many years on this website and to employ basic right from wrong. Tell me I'm wrong. I already know the answer. I'm the legal field. The only difference between me and anyone that challenges me is that I know basic right from wrong and I will not relent in speaking the truth.
I'd like to add the caveat that the same thing that is occurring in Western Civilization is occurring in Israel. That is a statistical fact.
Words are power. That is what they fear.
"Legal Field" (u r) ✓✓✓