We are at the precipice of something ominous. A massive, active conspiracy by a syndicate of psychopaths with the criminal intent to entrap the people of the world within an ironclad system of (digital) subjugation.
In plain English, if you remove the "Judaism" from "Freemasonry", Illuminati, and/or any of the secret order's ritual practice(s), you no longer have those ritual practice(s).
The video is not appearing.
Thank you for letting me know. I added another link to the video.
Great. I wátched the program. It is true, the implementation of CBDCS would end freedom.
We are at the precipice of something ominous. A massive, active conspiracy by a syndicate of psychopaths with the criminal intent to entrap the people of the world within an ironclad system of (digital) subjugation.
Have you studied Freemasonry? I believe they have a large role in this. The Agenda 2030 manipulates language to make sinister aims appear benign.
In plain English, if you remove the "Judaism" from "Freemasonry", Illuminati, and/or any of the secret order's ritual practice(s), you no longer have those ritual practice(s).